Diaspora Dispatches Vol. 2
In the past several months, Bundists around the world have been actively organizing grassroots educational and cultural events as well as solidarity actions in their respective areas.
Communiqués from the editorial board of Der Spekter.
In the past several months, Bundists around the world have been actively organizing grassroots educational and cultural events as well as solidarity actions in their respective areas.
Dispatches of Bundist actions and reactions from across the Diaspora. This week, we feature greater Chicago, Northern California, and the DMV Bund.
The Palestinian call for general strike on May Day and Nakba Day and how the Bund celebrated May Day in decades past
What it means to celebrate Passover as a Bundist, and resources for a year unlike all other years.
Welcome to Der Spekter, a new platform hosting resurgent worldwide Jewish, socialist, and anti-nationalist ideas! The current crisis in Israel and Palestine has highlighted already-growing generational and ideological divides within Jewish communities worldwide. Suddenly, the principles of Bundism, an anti-nationalist, socialist answer to burgeoning antisemitism and the increasingly militant Zionist